Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Spy with my great eye--- mind seeing!

try this! lie down with someone, it could be anyone but i think it will work best with someone you are really connected to. lie in a dark room (I think this is helpful to get the hang of it). Both people shut their eyes and one person visulizes a shape (we started with a circle, triangle, or square) the other person keeps their mind open to receiving. It is amazing how clearly and quickly me and my brother were perceiving the shape the other sent. we then went onto the rainbow colors (red,yellow,orange,blue,green,pink and purple) and this was even tripier. we then combined them (ex. blue square)

it was very awesome. a way of proving that our minds are all connected. it also is a way of developing seeing abilities and improving concentration as you have to focus on holding the image, sending it to the other person and as a receiver you have to remain open, trust what you are seeing. we realized there is a big difference between seeing and guessing.

try it out, i am excited to practice this with amon and me and nico (my brother) are going to keep going, we'll work up to words next and geeze who knows where we could get....

the possibilities are limitless.

also just wanted to write a bit about last nights protest. it was put on by the PGA (people global action) which is an anarchist group. there were only about 40 ppl there, we marched down some main downtown streets, cops ahead and in tow. me and amons first protest! i enjoyed it but it seemed rather ineffective as it was mainly young, "punky" looking people wearing black, the mention of future violence in protest was also announced a few times. for me id rather be part of something inclusive to everyone. also i dont believe violence will ever bring about true change.
i will definitly support futhur of their protest and i want to find other organizations to become involved with.
there truly is a reVOLution going on but for me it feels like it is more about us all evolving into more concious beings. so ya its quieter and even slower.... im looking for a way to live my revolution with some like minded beings
things they are a changing

thats us about to get warmed up in the bath

coeurage, faith and inspiration to you
"we are a cicle, within a circle, with no beginning and never ending"

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